Casey Barduhn, Superintendent of Schools
Steven Smith, Assistant Superintendent for Business Administration
Sarah VanLiew, Executive Director of Curriculum/Instruction
Mark Bednarski, Onondaga Hill Middle School Assistant Principal
Food Service Department Staff:
Rich Gunther, Food Service Director
Mary DeTomaso, Cafeteria Supervisor at Walberta Park School
Walberta Park School Staff:
Sue Adydan, School Nurse
Cherry Road School Staff:
Sunny McDermott, Special Education Teacher
(Vacant Position)
Onondaga Hill Middle School Staff:
Debbie Delay, Grade 6 Teacher
Gordon Erwin, English Teacher
Westhill High School Staff:
Tracey Collett, Athletic Trainer
Debbie D’Angelo, Health Teacher
Matt Whipple, Athletic Director
Megan Wolfe, Science Teacher
Lia Burrows
Eileen Nealon
Patty Phillips
Diane Sauro
Susan Zych
(Vacant Position)
(Vacant Position)
Casey Barduhn, Superintendent of Schools
Steven Smith, Assistant Superintendent for Business Administration
Sarah VanLiew, Executive Director of Curriculum/Instruction
Mark Bednarski, Onondaga Hill Middle School Assistant Principal
Food Service Department Staff:
Rich Gunther, Food Service Director
Mary DeTomaso, Cafeteria Supervisor at Walberta Park School
Walberta Park School Staff:
Sue Adydan, School Nurse
Cherry Road School Staff:
Sunny McDermott, Special Education Teacher
(Vacant Position)
Onondaga Hill Middle School Staff:
Debbie Delay, Grade 6 Teacher
Gordon Erwin, English Teacher
Westhill High School Staff:
Tracey Collett, Athletic Trainer
Debbie D’Angelo, Health Teacher
Matt Whipple, Athletic Director
Megan Wolfe, Science Teacher
Lia Burrows
Eileen Nealon
Patty Phillips
Diane Sauro
Susan Zych
(Vacant Position)
(Vacant Position)