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Westhill Central Schools Food Services

Food Online Payment Service Has Changed as of January 29, 2013

With current national attention being focused on children’s health and wellness issues, Westhill Central School District’s Food Service Department is excited to provide parents a convenient, easy and secure online prepayment service to deposit money into your child’s school meal account at any time.  This service also provides parents the ability to view your child’s account balance through a web site at  By having money in each child’s account prior to entering the cafeteria, we find the lunch lines move along much faster so your child has more time to eat and be with friends. 

Also, parents will have the ability to print out a copy of their child’s eating history report.  This history report will show you all dates and times that your child has purchased a breakfast and or lunch within the past thirty days. 

In order to participate in the online payment service, registration is required. Please click on the link located below within the Link section to quickly and easily become a participant. 

Thank you,
The Westhill CSD Food Services Department
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Stephen R. Dunham, Superintendent
400 Walberta Road
Syracuse, NY 13219
Phone: (315) 426 - 3000