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Directory Information Policy

Release of Directory Information to Military Recruiters and Institutions of Higher Learning

Pursuant to the No Child Left Behind Act, the district must disclose to military recruiters and institutions of higher learning, upon request, the names, addresses and telephone numbers of high school students. The district must also notify parents of their right and the right of their child to request that the district not release such information without prior written parental consent. Those parents who do not want the above information released to military recruiters and/or institutions of higher learning must notify Cathy Madigan in Central Registration at 400 Walberta Road, Syracuse, NY 13219 by October 1 of the current school year or by filling out the Opt-Out form.

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Stephen R. Dunham, Superintendent
400 Walberta Road
Syracuse, NY 13219
Phone: (315) 426 - 3000