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Walberta Monthly Program

Walberta Monthly PROGRAM (WMP)
Once a month, we have an assembly where classes participate and celebrate school-wide events. Sometimes we have visitors who share their talents with us.  Birthdays of the month are celebrated as well. We begin each Monthly Program with our school song. The programs are designed to build school community and are scheduled as follows:

All Classes - 9:10 AM (there are a few exceptions-please consult monthly calendar).
Please consult the monthly announcements for which day each month we will have WMP.

Parents are welcome! Please check the calendar in our monthly school newsletter for dates and events. Monthly Program takes place in the school's gymnasium.

To see videos of Monthly Program please go to the
District's Homepage and click on wcsdTV Videos!
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Stephen R. Dunham, Superintendent
400 Walberta Road
Syracuse, NY 13219
Phone: (315) 426 - 3000